Monday, May 30, 2011

My Interview with Paranormal Romance Author Theresa Meyer

My Interview with Paranormal Romance Author Theresa Meyer

Q: When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer, and What was it that inspired you to start writing?

A: I knew I wanted to write in junior high, I just didn't know what I wanted to write. For a long time I pursued journalism, thinking that was the only decent way to make a living and still be a writer. It wasn't until I got an idea for a fictional character that wouldn't leave me alone that I started writing on my first novel. The inspiration for that book was actually a pioneer tombstone in the small town of Oakland, Oregon with the name Icephene Starr on it. It was such an usual name and I just couldn't get over thinking about what a person with that kind of name might be like and the story started percolating in my brain.

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